Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Por Oscar Escobar
Marzo 5, 2013
editado Oct. 11, 2016
English version below.
Last edited on October 16, 2016

Antonio sonreía mientras Josie su esposa por casi 3 decadas cogia la servilleta de colores típicos y le limpia cariñosamente una mancha de Ketchup.

-Come mas tu barba que vos, le dice ella, fingiendo desespero… Sabes que lo que me conquisto fue tu barba? confiesa ella con su pregunta.

Es algo que él ya sabía desde hace mucho tiempo. Aun así, Antonio, con un movimiento de cabeza niega saberlo, porque le gusta como su mujer recuenta lo pasado.

Ella, con su voz todavía juvenil, teje el tapete de su historia. Entre tanto el reconstruye en su mente la imagen de dos jóvenes recién salidos de la adolescencia. Ella espectacularmente bella, y él, bien afeitado.

Por meses la anduvo enamorando sin tener resultado, hasta aquel día en que se volviron a ver después de unas largas vacaciones.

-Que lindo te vez con tu chivita! había exclamado Josie al verlo.

El se acuerda de cómo sintió que veía la gloria mientras ella a con sus dedos juguetones le trenzaba los bellitos del menton y como con el tiempo su barba, llego a recorrer todo el cuerpo de su amada.

Después del desayuno, Antonio se mira en el espejo y piensa en lo que le dijo su hermano:

-Vos… te tenes que rasurar esa babosada, te hace ver viejo, ya casi te pareces a Urbano Madel.

Mientras contempla ese pensamiento, Jocelyn, su hija que ya es adulta, se despide con un beso. Van de salida con su madre. -Regresamos a las 10! Dicen ellas en tono musical, mientras se alejan.

Aun frente al espejo, no deja de fijarse que su hijo que ahora se para junto a él, revisándose el pelo y la ropa, es mas alto que su padre.

-Voy a vacilar con mis cuates- dice Johnny,… no me esperes despierto.

Al ver a sus hijos salir por la puerta del frente, le vienen a la mente los tiempos aquellos en que jugaba haciéndoles cosquillas en los piecitos a la vez que les contaba que su barba era mágica, que se la había regalado un chivo viejo porque provocaba carcajadas.

No se da cuenta que lleva allí parado un buen rato; reviviendo los momentos almacenados en su memoria, tocándose la barba que seguía entera, no se la rascaba, solo acariciaba los recuerdos.

By Oscar Escobar
Lakeland, FL
October 2016
Original in spanish, March 5, 2013

Antonio smiles, as Josie his wife for almost three decades, takes a colorful napkin, typical of his country, and lovingly cleans off a small drop of ketchup from his face.

-Your beard eats more than you do! She tells him, playfully faking despair...

-Did you know that it was your beard that finally won me over?
She confesses with her question.

This is something he had known from the beginning. Still, Antonio, shakes his head denying knowing it, because he likes the way his wife recounts the past.

She, her voice still youthful, starts to weave the fabric of their story.

As she does so, in his mind begins to take shape the image of two young people just out of their adolescence.

She was... spectacularly beautiful, and he was... clean-shaven.

Months he had spent wooing her without result... until that day when they saw each other again after a long holiday.

-You look so cute with that goatee!  Josie had exclaimed cheerfully at the sight.

He remembers how he felt as being in heaven while her fingers twirled flirtatiously around the thin hairs on his chin. And that he, leading with his beard, eventually had gone on to travel all the curbs of his beloved’s entire body. Delighted he smiles, for they, together, had learned of nature it’s better lessons.

After breakfast, Antonio looks in the living room mirror at the now scruffy brush, and thinks about what she told him recently:

-Babe... You gotta trim that off! It makes you look old. Are you trying to look like a wild samurai?

While he is contemplating that thought, Jocelyn, their now adult daughter, says goodbye with a tender kiss. She’s going out with her mother.

-Will be back at 10 ♫! They tell him in a musical tone while they walk away.

Still before the mirror, he notices that his son, standing next to him, checking his own hair and clothes on the same mirror, is taller than his father.

-I'm going out to hang out with my buddys- Johnny says... do not wait up.

While seeing his children leave through the front door, it comes to his mind the time long gone, when he played tickling their tootsies, telling them that his beard was magical; and that it had been given to him by an old goat to spellbind them with laughter.

He does not realize that he’s been standing there a for a long time re-living many of the blessed moments in his life.

His fingers running through the unruly beard, he wasn’t scratching it… he was just caressing the memories.

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GEOINGENIERIA DEL CLIMA - Temas sobre la Geoingeniería Climática - Modificación del Clima 

Y en inglés con algunos articulos en español: #Geoengineering #Climate Issues

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A #Geoengineering #Climate Issues blog - Geoingeniería by Oscar and Jocelyn Escobar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Licencia Creative Commons
A #Geoengineering #Climate Issues blog por Oscar y Jocelyn Escobar se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional.